Welcome to Immortality and Beyond. May I offer you a beverage?
Danielle & April: We are feeling a bit parched. We would love some vampire's wine!
Now that we're all settled in my lair, I'm de-bite-fully glad you stopped in.
BK: Please tell us a little bit about your current release...
Danielle: Our current release is a tale about a girl who is somewhat closed off from the world, sense the death of her mother. She is simple and has little wants. Azaleigh meets the “man of her dreams." The main story has many twists, secrets, and drama. All of which leaves Azaleigh’s life turned upside down.
April: Flesh and Feathers is an Urban Fantasy set in downtown LA. It’s fast-paced with lots of drama and surprises! The book is basically what the name is. It’s about being human and magical at the same time. This is Azaleigh Carlton’s story of who she is and what she is to become. Azaleigh (aka Az), is a little emotionless and defeated by her life’s tragedy. In an uncanny coincidence, she meets Kale and Gage, and finds you can lose your heart to two men. The question is, who will she chose?
BK: What inspired this particular novel/book?
Danielle: April asked me if I wanted to write a book with her. I agreed because I had always wanted to write a novel. We both began divulging information and desires we wanted to be shown in the script.
April: At the time, I hadn’t read any angel books and wanted to write about one. I was stuck on vampires. So I wrote twenty-two very crappy pages and then said forget it. On break one day, I mentioned it to Danielle and after that it was a 24/7 event!
BK: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Danielle: I never really knew I wanted to be a writer and sure as hell never knew I would become a published author. Once we wrote Azaleigh’s story, I knew that this was somebody I wanted everyone to know. My love for writing has grown so intense that I cannot picture my life without it.
April: It was around the 12th grade. My teacher had commented on a report I turned in, which surprised me. And after that I was all about writing, I just never thought about taking it to another level.
BK: How do you keep your writing different from all the others that write in this particular genre?
Danielle: We also did not stick with the typical “woman meets a man, falls in love forever, happily ever after, the end.” There are so many obstacles and supporting character story lines that make this book unlike any other.
April: I’m totally with Danielle on this one. It is a love story, but there is so much action and drama that it became more than just that.
BK: What was the hardest thing about writing this story?
Danielle: The hardest thing about writing this story is making choices. April and I make such hard decisions for Azaleigh to make. It really is grueling.
April: Keeping up with how the plot should go. You may not see it that much in Flesh and Feathers, but the second book, Flesh and Flames picks up and explains a lot of things.
BK: What character was your favorite to write for in this story? Why?
Danielle: My favorite character is Kale. I always root for the underdog or the tortured soul, which he is. Kale is the mysterious, sexy, oddly sad type of man. He is someone I want to fix.
April: Gage! Because what you see is what you get! Love a man who will tell you how it is and is crazy about you at the same time.
BK: Which was your favorite scene to write?
Danielle: My favorite scene to write was what is known as “the lounge scene." Kale and Azaleigh become quite intoxicated in each other’s entities.
April: Favorite scene… shower scene! Az: “Tannah, needs me.” Gage: “So do I.” That’s all I’m gonna say!
BK: Will this become a series? If so, what inspired it to be a series?
Danielle: Yes :), this is a series. Book 1: Flesh and Feathers, Book 2: Flesh and Flames and book 3: Flesh and Folly. This story is so deep that there was no possible way to keep this as one book. We also love these characters and will write as many books as it takes to keep their stories going on.
April: Again, totally with Danielle on this one. In Flesh and Feathers, we learn about Azaleigh and only a little about the world Kale, Gage and the others live in. Flesh and Flames opens the readers up to the bigger picture. And we will keep going until all the secrets run out!
BK: Now for a little fun, and into your everyday life, What is a day in your life like?
Danielle: A day in my life is pretty funny. I work in an office job, Monday through Friday. My friends and I are awkwardly funny so it is never a dull moment. I live with my husband and our dog. Typically, I watch only a couple of hours of TV a week. Other times I am writing, reading and praying that I am able to remember my own name from day-to-day.
April: What life? LOL. Totally kidding. I work at the same office job Danielle does – Monday through Friday as well. Then I fly out the door to pick up my three kids, then there’s homework (which in my opinion should be against the law), while I juggle dinner, writing, blogging, helping random people, and… I think there is more but can’t remember.
BK: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Danielle: I like eating good food, reading and anything outdoors.
April: Kids and work. That’s it. Not sure if I could fit anything else in.
BK: What is one thing your readers would be most surprised to learn about you?
Danielle: They might be shocked to know that I am ambidextrous. I can write with both hands. However, I write with my right hand more.
April: I live to fish! I love going fishing. Nothing spectacular like deep-sea fishing, but during the summer, I go fishing every weekend. I guess I’m kind of a Tom-boy.
BK: What do you like to read? Who is your favorite author?
Danielle: I like so many different genres. However, my favorite is a horrible love story. I mean the more depressing the better. I know… I am weird. My favorite author is probably Stephanie Meyers.
April: I love paranormal romance, and I’m a big fan of YA novels. I love Becca Fitzpatrick and Stephanie Meyers.
BK: Please tell us one piece of advice you were given as an author that you carry with you when you write?
Danielle: A friend told me once that others will only love my work as much as I do. So I love anything I write, and if I do not then it gets rewritten.
April: Believe in your story or no one else will.
BK: What is one piece of advice you can give to aspiring writers/authors?
Danielle: I would tell other authors that they can do it. I know this is such a simple and straight-forward piece of advice, but it will work as the best. Most authors do not know that they can simply… Do it.
April: Jump in head-first and don’t look back. Simply finishing a novel is an accomplishment.
BK: What are you currently working on?
Danielle & April: The one most important on the list is Flesh and Flames book two in The Flesh Series. We just finished a short story called Love, Lies and a Bloke; this is a fun Australian based erotica. We are also working on The Witch and The Werewolf, and you can guess by the name what it’s about?
BK: Where can readers connect with you?
Azaleigh’s life was simple. Then she meets Kale and Gage, two very different and charming men – one she loves and the other she cannot live without. As she struggles with her feelings towards them both, she begins to realize they are hiding a secret – and to her surprise they are not the only ones. Soon after, Azaleigh finds herself running for her life from a bounty hunter that is far from human, and with every narrow escape, she begins to unlock the secret that will change her life forever. In a world of good and evil, angel and fallen, Azaleigh must choose between fate or the one she loves. What do you do when hell won’t let you win and evil just won’t die?
Purchase HERE
“Go to hell!” I shouted as I began walking hard steps down the alley that would lead to the city sidewalk.
“Azaleigh!” he shouted, grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him.
My only reaction was to slap him hard across his face. The loud sound of my hand making contact with his cheek shocked me, but I was too angry to care. “No! You don’t understand! You don’t ever get to touch me again!”
I shrugged harshly out of his grip. Just then, a heavy gust blew, ruffling my hair and blinding me as I turned to walk away, followed by a loud thud. Taking a step forward, I brushed my hair from my face, but then stopped suddenly. A man wearing a white hooded cloak stood in front of me. At first I stopped because I was astonished by what he was wearing, but as I studied him, I noticed the slender sword-like object that he gradually pulled from his side. My body began to tremble with fear.
“Azaleigh, get behind me!” Kale demanded in a firm voice.
Before I had a chance to respond, the man started running towards us. I felt Kale’s arm wrap around my waist. He held me tight to his body, and I could feel something begin to rumble inside him.
The authors will be giving away an autographed bookmark and $5 Amazon GC to one commenter at every stop, and one $15 and one $25 Amazon.com gift certificate to two randomly drawn commenters during the tour.
Follow the Tour HERE for more chances to win.
Thank you girls so much for taking time out to chat with me today! It was such a pleasure having both of you here, and I wish you so much success in the future.
Danielle Hylton-Outland was raised in Virginia. She grew up having a huge appetite for daydreaming; always wanting to live in the spectacular worlds she created in her mind. She now lives with her husband and dog where she is pursuing a degree in literature. Danielle is a strong animal activist. She is currently co-writing the second book in The Flesh Series, "Flesh and Flames".
April Fifer grew up in a small town in Virginia, where it was common practice believing that dreams could only be found in stories. At the age of seven she was diagnosed with dyslexia. She was told that she would struggle through life and would never pick up a book to read for pleasure. Although school was hard, she was able to find her way with the help of two teachers who taught her self-discovery. Ignoring what she was taught growing up, she turned it around and found that your dreams could become stories.

Great interview!!! :) Can't wait to check out book!!!!
I had not thought too much before about the choices writers have to make for their characters & stories. I imagine that each choice can take the story somewhere else or stay on track.
Thank you for hosting April and Danielle today!
It sounds as though you two make a great team. This story sounds awesome and I am really glad you are planning another.
Thanks for having us today and thanks for all the great comments :-)
Being in a partnership really seems to help!! I can only imagine how much another person would help in this process. Someone to lean on!!
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
Now I wonder who I'm going to like more: Kale or Gage. You two seem to be divided on them...and you both make a good case. I'm probably leaning towards Danielle though--gotta love the underdog, the tortured soul.
Vivien! - You are so right :-) If we didn't have each other we would probably lose it. LOL
Catherine Lee - Haha. Yes, we actually love them both. I tell Danielle that I really can't identify who is the underdog because they both have the tortured soul effect to me :-)
Very fun interview! I liked reading about your favorite scene.
Is it easier to writte a book togher or more difficult?
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