Thank you so much for chatting with us today Katie. It is such a pleasure having you here.
Please tell us a little about yourself.....
Well, I'm a self-proclaimed vamp-a-holic. LoL. I just love vampires in any form: Books, Tv, or Movies. I loved them so much it pushed me to write my own story about them. I've just released my first novel, Immortalis Carpe Noctem. It's available in print and ebook format. Look for it anywhere you buy books. And if the book store doesn't have it on the shelves, ask for it!
What do you see as your influences on your writing?
Everything influences my writing. Things I watch on TV, Movies, and of course the books I read. I find that the questions raised as I read stories help me to create things. For example, If I read a story about werewolves, I want to know all about them. What makes them tick. That could inspire me to create my own version of werewolves and a new story might spark from that. Influence is everywhere, you just have to look.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Might sound a bit crazy, but sometimes getting the characters to do what you want them to is a challenge. Once you have breathed life into them with their story and given them personality, they tend to take over. Then, when you want them to do something they don't want to do, the story just seems to grind to a halt. I've had many occasions where whole scenes had to be rewritten because the characters just didn't work out doing what I had planned for them to do.
Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?
I hope to be a multi-published author and really be able to live off of my writing. It's a big dream but I think it could happen.
How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?
I am a pantser, through and through. LoL. Like I said above, I breathe life into my characters and see where the story wants to go. It is often frustrating and leads to many revisions but it is the only way I know to write. I just cannot strap my self down to a defined plot.
What drew you to write about vampires?
I've loved them since I was a little girl. It was only natural I write about them.
How do you keep your writing different from the vast variety of vampire stories out there today?
Immortalis Carpe Noctem, does have a lot of similar vampire themes. It's hard to strike too far from the norm without people complaining. That is not so say it is cliché. Instead of staring out with a kick ass heroine, Immortalis starts off a bit more rough. The main character has to come to grips with what has happened to her. She grows into herself a little more slowly, allowing you to really understand what it is to be a vampire and the not so glamorous nature of their kind. Sometimes stumbling and making mistakes can be an adventure too. Now, don't get me wrong, she isn't going to be a weakling forever. She will grow to be that kick ass heroine but it will take time.
Who is your favorite author? What genre of books do you read?
I love to read anything involving vampires and they span the genres from horror to erotica. All are great in my opinion. I do have a soft spot for the older Anne Rice novels as well as the hot new Charlaine Harris ones.
Are you working on any projects right now?
I'm always working on something. Currently I am finishing up revisions for the next book in the Immortalis series. Hunters and Prey should be out in early 2011.
If you could leave readers with one legacy, what would you want it to be?
Not really sure how to answer this one. I'm not looking to get famous with my writing. I would just like to know that people really enjoyed the stories I created. They are like children to us writers and to know people appreciate them when we've sent them off into the world is all we really need.
What advice would you give to writers just starting out in this genre?
Write the story that is in your heart. Make your characters come to life and enjoy the whole process. Publication is great, but you should enjoy every part, not just the birth of your book.
Any last comments you would like to add?.....
I just want to say thank you for having me here on your blog. It has been a pleasure chatting with you today.
I'm always looking to interact with readers and writers online, please feel free to stop by and say hello on Facebook. I am always there, look me up if you have some time.
Katie thanks again for chatting with us. Katie is on virtual book tour with Authors Supporting Authors, and will be going on tour with Pump Up Your Book. You can see her schedule of stops at her website Rising Sign Books.
Leave a comment for Katie for your chance to win a copy of Immortalis Carpe Noctem. Katie's next stop is with Lisa at Reviews and Interviews, on May 18.
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