"I am ready to meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared to meet me is another matter."
-Winston Churchill

Friday, December 31, 2010

Vampire Challenge 2011


  1. Post about this challenge on your blog stating that you are participating. That post is the link that you will include in the Mr. Linky at Parajunkee's View. The link should be the post link not just your blog link.
  2. Grab the button and display it in the post (use grab code underneath the button) or on your sidebar so others can join in the fun.
  3. Challenge goes from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011
  4. The challenge is to read 20 books that have a vampire as a main character, either protag or antagonist
  5. There will be a post that goes up for January 1 where you add each book as you read them and discuss books read in the comments


Q:  Can I read more than 20?
A: You can read as many as you want.

Q: Do I have to have a blog?
A: No, you don't have to. If you would like to sign up using an online profile go ahead and do that, just post in the comments section the books you've read.

Q: Do I have to know what books I'm going to read ahead of time?
A: No you do not. Pick them as you go, or have them all mapped out, it is up to you.

Q: Do I have to stick to a particular genre?
A: Nope, as long as it has a vampire as a main character.

Q: If the book is about werewolves, but their is a vampire in it does that count?
A: The vampire needs to be a main character. If there is a slight reference to a vampire in the novel that doesn't count.

Q: Can I join up whenever I feel like it?
A: If you thought you could do it, you could join up in December 2011...no restrictions

Q: Will their be monetary compensation for those that complete the challenge.
A: Nope, just the undeniable glory of having completed a vampiric milestone.

  1. Post about this challenge on your blog stating that you are participating. That post is the link that you will include in the Mr. Linky below. The link should be the post link not just your blog link.
  2. Grab the button and display it in the post (use grab code underneath the button) or on your sidebar so others can join in the fun.
  3. Challenge goes from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011
  4. The challenge is to read 20 books that have a vampire as a main character, either protag or antagonist
  5. There will be a post that goes up for January 1 where you add each book as you read them and discuss books read in the comments

I'm making the commitment to read 20 books in 2011,  will you join me?

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